Better integrate digital within the Moroccan 2CS

Launching of a needs and opportunities assessments


le 15 April 2021

Launched in April 2020, this study aims to better understand the needs of the 120 2nd Chance Schools that currently exist in Morocco, in terms of hardware, connection and digital skills.

The issue of access to digital technologies raises increasingly important issues in education, training, integration and employability: basic digital skills are indeed a more and more essential sesame to access labour market ; while the sectors linked to new technologies are always more promising.

In the continuity of its guide to good practices "Using digital to better support young people in difficulty of integration in the Mediterranean" the MedNC network has therefore launched, in collaboration with Unicef Morocco and the network of the Moroccan associations of 2nd Chance Schools (RAE2C) newly constituted, an assessment of the needs and opportunities existing around the integration structures in Morocco, in terms of digital.

It will aim at:

  • Identifying, analysing and qantifying the existing needs at local and national levels
  • Identifying relevant recommendations and opportunities for partnerships
  • Establishing a detailed action plan to meet these needs

This study will be carried out by the consulting firm ASL Management Consulting and Training, with the support of a dedicated steering committee made up of representatives of the member assocations of the MedNC network, the educational and field teams of the IECD and key partners. . 

The full report of this study will be published in the summer of 2021.