Join the MedNC network

and be part of an innovative Mediterranean dynamic

Discussions lors du CoPil de Rome du réseau MedNC
©Thibault Fendler

The MedNC network is always ready to integrate new expertises and evidence-based experiences.

Any civil society organisation, private structures, and state or international institution, committed to the integration of young people in the Mediterranean and adressing  early school leaving, can thus take part in its dynamic.

Consult our membership criteria

Are you a field actor?

You are then a potential member of the MedNC network:
Consult the MedNC network Charter

Have you a specific expertise to share?

You are then a potential partener of the MedNC network:
Contact us

How to apply? 

Send your application as described and explained in the membership process by downloading the following documents:

Appendix C: Formal application letter (EN)

Appendix D: Declaration of sponsorship (EN)

Appendix E: Presentation document (EN)