Call for projects : Support the youth in the Western Mediterranean
18 innovative projects selected
le 25 June 2020
A France-Monaco initiative to support civil society and young people
While the Covid-19 pandemic weakened the Mediterranean associative network and emphasized the issue of employability and unemployment among young people, this initiative aims to reinforce the bond between both shores of the Mediterranean. It also finances projects for young people of eleven countries (Monaco and the Dialogue 5+5 countries, so Algeria, Spain, France, Italia, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Mauritania, Portugal and Tunisia) on the themes of the education, socio-economic integration, mobility and social economy.
This commitment fits in the cooperation dynamic in favor of a new positive agenda for a sustainable development, but also economic, and human in the Mediterranean area. Launched in Marseille with the Summet of the two shores (24th June 2019) during which the MedNC network has been awared for its actions.
18 projects to help vulnerable young people in the Mediterranean area.
For a first edition, this call for proposals received a genuine interest with 180 proposals and 334 organizations. Such results that show the dynamism of the Mediterranean civil society, a critical need to support it, and a wish to cooperate among the two shores.
The winning projects have a strong local anchorage, involving a sustainable development goal and show a sensibility to gender issues. Each one of them put forward an effective path to meet to answer to these inescapable issues for the most vulnerable young people in the Western Mediterranean. Three great themes hence emerged in Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania, with the objective of youth socio-economic integration: promotion of rural sustainable development activities; innovative educational paths development; views on a new touristic behavior, inclusive and sustainable.
These 18 initiatives have been provided in the 2020 Summer a funding of 10 000€ each in order to implement their project between October 2020 and December 2021. Embodiments of the Western Mediterranean cooperation, these projects must be led an associative consortium “South-North”.
The success of this first edition opens new promising perspectives, strongly supported by the MedNC network.