The Mediterranean Meetings of J-MED 2nd Edition in Tunis
The Tunisian associations for the youth celebrated
le 09 May 2023
It was crowded at the entrance to the French Institute of Tunisia. The second edition of the Mediterranean Meetings of the J-MED project call, Supporting Youth in the Mediterranean, led by the European Institute for Cooperation and Development, was a great success.
Opening words by a young boy of the school of the 2nd Chance of Rafiq, Nadar, 20 years old.
These days of meetings aim to make known, to develop but also to train the Mediterranean project leaders who are committed to the youth of both shores.
The winners were able to present their projects and show their commitment in the presence of many institutional partners including the French Ambassador to Tunisia, André Parant and the Ambassador to the Mediterranean, Mr. Karim Amellal, but also financial partners including the French Development Agency, the Directorate of International Cooperation of Monaco, the European Union delegation in Tunisia, the GIZ, and the UN agencies UNDP and UNICEF.
Opening speech by Mr. Andre Parant, Ambassador of France in Tunisia
Tunisian civil society recognized
The French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Directorate of International Cooperation of Monaco have reiterated their support to the call for J-MED project.
« The resistance of civil societies is no doubt what gives us hope »
said the French ambassador to the Mediterranean, Mr. Karim Amellal.
This is excellent news for civil society organizations (CSOs) on the southern shore of the Mediterranean, whose central role is now recognized by international institutions, especially in contexts of internal political tensions.
Opening speech by Mr. Karim Amellal, Ambassador of France to the Mediterranean
Gender, ecology and inclusion: 3 priorities for CSOs in the Mediterranean
The round tables of the day allowed to address 3 priority themes for the J-MED, namely the empowerment of women, ecology as a lever of integration and social inclusion of youth.
The 10 associations present were able to share their experiences and know-how on these themes. "We pay particular attention to sharing good practices on gender through workshops in our organization and I hope outside Tunisia," adds Darine Elouaer, Director of Operations of the winning association TAMSS (Tunisian Association for Management and Social Stability).
Table Ronde sur le Genre et l'inclusion des jeunes en présence de l'association TAMSS, IECD Tunisie et We Youth
Strengthening the skills of the winners
As in the previous edition, the winners had the opportunity to attend a training session on the project management cycle, focusing on the definition of indicators, as keys to the success of a project.
Indeed, it can be complex for small projects to formulate relevant and measurable indicators. This is why the New Chance Mediterranean Network has answered all the questions of project leaders on the Monitoring and Evaluation component.
The objective of the J-MED, beyond the financial support, is to propose a personalized training offer adapted to the local actors, according to their expertise and their needs.
Training on the management of indicators as key factors of success of its project, by Alice Ménager, project manager of the Réseau Méditerranée Nouvelle Chance
Many thanks to the Instutit Français de Tunisie for its welcome, to the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Direction de la Coopération Internationale de Monaco for their support, as well as to the partners present: the Agence Française de Développement, Expertise France, GIZ and AECID.
Closing concert of the young people of the winning association of J-MED Adw'art, which works for the safeguard of the Tunisian cultural heritage