MedNC calls for action: Addressing the NEET emergency in the Mediterranean

MedNC Policy Brief

traduction-SVP : Astrid Desjobert, Directrice des opérations en Méditerranée, partageant le Policy Brief du Réseau MedNC aux ministres de l'Emploi des pays membres de l'Union pour la Méditerranée, lors d'une rencontre à Berlin en décembre 2023. ©MedNC

le 03 January 2024

The New Chance Mediterranean Network (MedNC) presents its Policy Brief, addressed to the Ministries of Education, Employment and Vocational Training of Mediterranean countries. This call to action aims to mobilize decision-makers to address the NEET crisis, a major challenge for the region.

Background on NEETs in the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean region is facing an urgent socio-economic crisis linked to NEETs. With 29.1% of young people in North Africa categorized as NEETs, this complex issue threatens the area's economic and social development, and exacerbates inequalities. The need for urgent intervention is imperative.


 Download the Policy Brief !


The 5 recommendations of the Mediterranean New Chance Network

MedNC's Policy Brief proposes concrete recommendations to address the NEET issue, including :

  • Skills recognition: Set up mechanisms for the recognition of prior learning and skills to facilitate the integration of young people into the world of work.
  • Ecological transition: Promote and develop sectors linked to the ecological transition to offer young people future prospects.
  • Gender inclusion: Integrate the gender issue transversally into inclusion programs to promote better employability among young women.
  • Localized action plan: Draw up an action plan tailored to the specific needs of vulnerable young people, identifying local obstacles to their integration.


Concrete proposals for action!

The Policy Brief offers concrete proposals for action, in particular by encouraging ministries to organize a meeting with representatives of 2nd Chance schemes and MedNC network teams. This meeting will enable them to identify specific actions to meet the needs of young people.

Concrete initiatives to be implemented today!

  • Listen to and dialogue with young people: Give young people the opportunity to have their say at meetings between decision-makers. Their voice is crucial to understanding their needs and aspirations.
  • Carry the messages of young people: Make a commitment to carry the messages of young people and the recommendations of the MedNC network to European and international bodies. In this way, you can reinforce the representativeness of Mediterranean youth.
  • Facilitate networking: Play a facilitating role by linking up your partners involved in youth inclusion with those involved in social integration. Encourage collaboration between national networks of 2nd chance schools, integration associations, etc.
  • Get in touch with the MedNC network: we are available to work together to find solutions for a better future for young people in the Mediterranean.
  • Organize a meeting with our teams to discuss the actions you need to take today.


The Policy Brief is a roadmap to action, and the Mediterranean New Chance Network is calling on the Ministries of Education, Employment and Vocational Training to join this initiative. Together, let's turn challenges into opportunities, giving young people the chance to become the actors of their lives and their territory in the Mediterranean.

